Birgit Bortoluzzi

 Long Covid - ME/CFS - chronic diseases - Strategies from a 360 perspective

Connecting worlds

Anthony triggered a veritable celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie movement and a love of blueberries. For Anthony, for example, grapefruit is “a real powerhouse when it comes to fighting cancer.” (see AW, FB Post 2015). Interactions such as grapefruit juice have long been known on the basis of evidence. At least 50 drugs alone interact negatively with grapefruit and can result in serious ADRs (cf., 2022). 

St. John's wort also has significant interactions with numerous drugs such as antidepressants, lipid-lowering drugs and antiepileptics and can lead to life-threatening events (cf. Soleymani et al, 2017). In view of the enormous increase in the consumption of medicinal plants and dietary supplements, consideration in PGx analyses is absolutely essential, as these are often taken in combination with conventional medicines and this should be a cause for concern, as significant adverse effects have been observed in numerous clinical studies (cf. Colalto, 2010).

At the same time, we have other serious problems - the food supplement industry is booming like never before and has become a market worth billions. Unfortunately, there are also some black hats out there and it is important to turn supplement users into good, informed and targeted supplement users in the sense of a “personalized medicine” ecosystem, because the need for supplements varies according to lifestyle, stress level, existing pathology, age and much more, and MORE is not necessarily better.

You shouldn't just randomly reach into Anthony's supplement list in the hope of many positive effects for your health and carefully consider interactions, interactions and effectiveness, otherwise this can easily turn into roulette with your own health. Everyone should bear a certain amount of personal responsibility for deciding for or against a recommended therapy or only for parts of it. It should be clear to us that the food supplement market is not really controlled and regulated. We must learn to remain critical and attentive, because some food supplements are contaminated with heavy metals, stimulants, hormones and substances that may only be contained in medicines (see, 2024).

Anthony and the scientific community: information exchange, dialog, field reports (My concrete suggestions for possible approaches)

The Scientific Community (SC) could share information and views on EBV/Long Covid/CFS with Anthony William (AW) to consider different perspectives, explore recommendations and identify common goals. This can lead to a more holistic deeper understanding of the disease and potentially new treatment approaches can be identified. Even though Anthony has no medical training, his approaches and advice have already helped many people. The approach should be to combine his experience with scientific knowledge to find holistic ways of healing, especially for infection-related chronic diseases. Cross-sectoral approaches are needed because long COVID is a very complex disease that requires different therapeutic approaches. For long Covid/autoimmune disorders alone, Anthony recommends 25 different supplements and various shock therapies in his practical handbook “Heal your brain” (with healing plans for more than 300 clinical pictures such as long Covid, Alzheimer's/dementia, CFS, depression and many more) (cf. William, 2023).

On his homepage, Anthony also offers a download of “Virus Protection” and, for example, a podcast 055 on the virus (see The scientific community and medical professionals have the great opportunity to access countless testimonials. An incredibly valuable source of data to better understand the effects of the virus (EBV/Covid19) and also to see “up close” what successes have already been achieved through its proposed approaches.

Anthony is a polarizing personality and can be instrumental in raising public awareness about EBV/Long Covid in order to further raise awareness. Doctors should be transparent about the pros and cons of different treatment methods and also consider alternative holistic approaches (diet, mental wellbeing, exercise and more) and incorporate them into their treatment plans.

Anthony could provide information and education on interactions/UAWs in his “Supplements” section (see In this complex challenge, a consensus must be found, and it would be desirable for the WG to open up a space for alternative approaches and for Anthony to engage in a dialog in the sense of scientific findings on food supplement interactions, interactions, overdoses, evidence-based approaches in the sense of a healthy skepticism towards his strict dietary recommendations. A research collaboration between the WG and AW should be sought to investigate his specific healing methods and dietary recommendations in controlled studies, evaluate their effectiveness to generate further insights and identify the best approaches.