Birgit Bortoluzzi

 Long Covid - ME/CFS - chronic diseases - Strategies from a 360 perspective

Long Covid, ME/CFS und Chronische Erkrankungen setzen Sie Ihre strategischen Spielzüge im 360-Blickwinkel

Unser Schachfeld muss und sollte mit sehr vielen Spielern besetzt sein. Ich bin auf Grund meiner Ganzheitlichen Betrachtungsweise „ME/CFS – Long Covid – chronische Erkrankungen“ einmal für Sie tief abgetaucht und würde Ihnen hier eine kleine Auswahl (selbstverständlich müsste die Liste viel länger sein) vorstellen wollen.

Ganz bewußt habe ich mir Spieler im 360-Grad-Blickwinkel herausgesucht um zielführend ein Schachmatt anzustreben. Wir werden sicherlich viele Spielzüge benötigen, aber ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass wir es ganzheitlich und gesamtgesellschaftlich schaffen können, wenn wir bei unseren strategischen Spielzügen den 360-Blickwinkel nicht aus den Augen verlieren.

Die Reihenfolge impliziert keine Wertung – alle „Spieler“ sind hier gleichberechtigt.


Long Covid, ME/CFS and Chronic Illnesses, think strategically with a 360-degree perspective

Our chess field must and should be occupied by a great many players. I have taken a deep dive for you based on my holistic approach to ME/CFS, long Covid and chronic illnesses and would like to present you with a small selection here (of course, the list should be much longer).

I deliberately chose players in a 360-degree view in order to purposefully strive for a checkmate. We will certainly need many moves, but I am firmly convinced that we can make it happen holistically and for society as a whole if we do not lose sight of the 360-degree view during our strategic moves.

My order of mention does not imply any kind of ranking – all the “players” are equal here.

(M)eine kleine Auswahl von "Spielern" / My small selection of “players” (This list could go on indefinitely)

1. Professor CHAN Chun Yong, Eric BSc (Pharm) (Hons), PhD, Singapore – a real pioneering role with its PK Weekly Dose on LinkedIN

2. Medical Medium (Anthony William) - Many millions of people follow and live by it

3. Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly

4. Professor David F. Putrino (Long Covid specialist and neuroscientist - Mount Sinai/New York)

5. Dr. William Wallace, Ph.D (LinkedIn/Instagram)

6. YouScript: Kristine Ashcraft – PGX / Personalized Medicine

7. Dr. Amine Zorgani – The Microbiome Mavericks

8. PRECISEU project - Horizon Europe (25 partners from 12 European region)

9. Frank Bernier, PhD

10. Professor Yohannes Hagos (PortaCellTech)

11. Professor Henk-Jan-Guchelaar

12. Professor Erwin Loh

13. Michael F. Hughes (Supervisory Toxicologist at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA))

14. Professor Dr. med. Carmen Scheibenbogen (Charité Berlin)

15. Professor Dr. Uta Behrends (TUM München)

16. Daniel Epstein 

17. Andrew Michaelson

18. Professor Dr. Robert Murphy (Freiburg)

19. Professor Magnus Ingelmann-Sundberg

20. Dr. Shilpa Thakur, Ph.D Medical Nutrition

21. Kent Jones (Multiple sclerosis guerilla and Accessibility advocate)

22. Professor Dr. Hannelore Daniel

23. Chris Methmann, Food Watch / Food Watch France

24. Zeyad Ibrahim

25. Ryan Stoffko (OPP NEURO-SPA's mission)

26. Evonne Fouesnant 

27. Dr. Eric Topol

28. Professor Kevin Kavanagh

29. Professor Dr. Ron Davis

30. Dr. Lisa Sanders (Yale)

31. David Tuller, DrPH

32. Peter Groenen (Biomarker Expert)

33. Miguel Angel Cabrera-Pérez

34. Dr. Lyle D. Burgoon (Professor, Institute for Integrative Toxicology)

35. Dr. Maureen Miller (a Columbia University infectious disease epidemiologist and medical anthropologist targeting systems level change)

36. Professor Jianzhong Wang (College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University)

37. Professor Antonella Bertazzo (Food Chemistry, Nutritional Science - University of Padua)

38. Professor Youssef Daali (University of Geneva: Anesthesiology, Pharmacology, Intensive Care and Emergencies)

39. Professor Ram Shankar Upadhayaya (Uppsala University)

40. Christoph & Philipp Ströck - WE&ME Stiftung - Österreich

41. Shelby Coates, PhD (Washington)

42. My Long Covid Advocacy

43. Janice Goh – Development of coffee simulator

44. Dotan Shaniv (Israel)

45. Nita Jain (Illuminating Biological Complexity)

46. Udoamaka (Amaka) Ezuruike

47. Dr. Uwe Gröber is one of the leading micronutrient experts in the German-speaking world

48. Cohen Center for Recovery From Complex Chronic Illnesses (Mount Sinai)

49. World Health Organization

50. American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT)

51. Nanotechnology (Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Helmholtz Munich)

52. University College London (Pharmacology and Toxicology)

53. Zhejiang University (China)

54. University of Montreal (Canada)

55. NYSIM a center for simulation education in the health sciences at CUNY & NYU Langone Health

56. CeMM (Wien)

57. NIH - National Institutes of Health

58. FEAM (Brüssel)

59. PAN Germany / Pesticide Action Network

60. FDA / EMA / CPIC / PharmVar, health research, pharmacovigilance, (Specialist) committees / BioBank Graz / Shanghai Zhangjiang Biobank

61. Munich Environmental Institute

62. IBM Watson Health

63. Luoheng Qin, InSilico Medicine

64. Mayo Clinic

65. University of Cambridge

66. Boston Scientific

67. Horizon Lab Company

68. Förderverein OrphanHealthcare (Dr. Frank Grossmann)

69. Disaster management strategies for Long Covid, ME/CFS and MCS

70. Frontiers

71. Solution Group (Beijing) Company

72. Memorial Healthcare system

73. National Healthcare Group

74. Kmch Research Foundation


76. vfa - research-based pharmaceutical companies

77. MedWatch (FDA / USA)

78. European database of reported adverse reactions / EudraVigilance

79. Software and technology companies, start-ups

80. The many valuable patient organizations and associations, Healthcare providers, pharmacists/Pharmacists' associations, Healthcare providers, pharmacists, biobanks, insurers, health insurance companies, MedSafetyWeek organizers, fellows, investors, angel and venture communities, Environmental physicians, biomedical scientists

81. Pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers and developers (From A for AbbVie to V for ViiV Healthcare GmbH), MedTech Pharma

82. Educational institutions, lawyers, authorities, security forces, inistries

83. all international environmental organizations/institutions 


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